
Sample testing for screening of COVID-19 infection expedited, Nearly 3.45 lakh samples tested last week

Sample testing for screening of COVID-19 infection expedited, Nearly 3.45 lakh samples tested last week

Raipur: Sample testing for identification of Covid-19 infected people has been expedited in the state. Last week, nearly three lakh 44 thousand 870 samples were tested between January 14 and January 20. 

Health Minister TS Singh Deo has instructed the department to test the maximum number of samples for Covid-19 on a daily basis. As per the instructions, the Health Department has increased the number of tests per day in all the districts. An average of 49,267 samples are being tested daily across the state, whereas in the last week of December last month, between December 25 and December 31, the average was 20, 256. Number of samples tested on 14 January was 60,257, it was 56,717 on 15 January, 32,563 on 16 January, 38,064 on 17 January, 50, 258 on 18 January, 54, 600 on 19 January, and on 20 January, 52,411 samples were tested across the state.

Dispatch News

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