MLA Shailesh Pandey raises various issues in public interest in ZRUCC meeting

MLA Pandey also appreciated railway administration for doing commendable job in pandemic period.
Bilaspur:Bilaspur city MLA Shailesh Pandey on Monday said that the railway administration has done a commendable job during Covid pandemic. The railway administration has played lead role as far as safe journey of migrant labourers to their respective destinations, food arrangement and Covid test are concerned. MLA Pandeystated this in the virtual meeting of Zonal Railway Users’ Consultative Committee (ZRUCC), convened by the South East Central Railway (SECR) on Monday. It is to be mentioned, MLA Pandey is the member of the ZRUCC.
Extension of Uslapur Railway Station
It was informed in the ZRUCC meeting that the work of expansion of Uslapur railway station is in progress. At present, ramp facility has been made available, three lifts are being installed in the platform and the work of second foot over bridge (FoB) has also been completed.
Drainage problem in Vyapar Vihar
MLA Shailesh Pandey told the railway officials that the significance of Vyapar Vihar is that it is a divisional commercial center. The water in the rainy season drains away from Vyapar Vihar through the culvert located under the railway track behind Triveni Bhawan, but due to the high bed level of this culvert, drainage of water is not possible. A competent technical officer of the railway and the team of the municipal corporation should do a joint inspection and submit the technical report for finding a solution for the passage of water from VyaparVihar.
Bilaspur will become B Grade city
MLA Shailesh Pandey said in the meeting that when he was campaigning, he came across the people demanding B-Grade status for Bilaspur by improving public amenities and other facilities. In response, MLA Pandeyput the demand on priority and worked in this direction. Following the efforts of the MLA, state government has sent a proposal to the Central Government to make Bilaspur a B grade city. After the census, a notification will be issued to make Bilaspur a B grade city, which will benefit the people of Bilaspur as well as the people residing in the railway zone.
Kargi Road Railway Station and its tourism importance
MLA Shailesh Pandey took up the matter of Kargi Road railway station development from the tourism point of view. The station is connected to areas like Gaurela–Pendra–Marwahi, Achanakmar. If the railway takes special interest to develop the station from the point of view of tourism, the years old demand of the people will be fulfilled and new employment will be generated.
Tifra under bridge to reduce pressure of Bilaspur-Raipur traffic
MLA Shailesh Pandey demanded the construction of Tifra under bridge to reduce the pressure of Bilaspur-Raipur traffic. It is also important to construct this because it connects Howrah-Mumbai. The state government has constructed two big flyovers but the under bridge at Tifra should be constructed by the railways, the MLA said.
Upgradation of Budhwari Bazaar area
Keeping the long-pending demand of the traders of Budhwari Bazaar area, MLA Shailesh Pandey said that this market is an important part of Railway area too. The traders here have been doing business for 50-60 years. Therefore basic facilities here should be made available in a better way by the railways. In the present situation, the shops are in a dilapidated condition. So the railway administration should take cognizance of the same.
Ghuru Ameri Alternate Route
MLA Shailesh Pandey expressed his gratitude to the railway administration for the approval of the under bridge at Ghuru Ameri. Along with this, a demand has also been made for the construction of Ghuru Amerialternate route. Railway officials said that the detailed estimate is pending with the state government for approval, the work will be started after the state government deposits the required amount.
Sirgitti – Vyapar Vihar Flyover
As the issue of Sirgitti Vyapar Vihar Flyover was raised by MLA Shailesh Pandey, railway officials said that permission has been given by the railway administration. Construction of the flyover will be held at a cost of about Rs 229 crore. It will be a boon for Bilaspur people from transportation point of view.
Mandwa Basti and Bapu suburb
MLA Shailesh Pandey raised the issue of Mandwa Bastiand Bapu suburb area. A a large number of people are residing in these areas, but the consent of the railways is awaited by the corporation administration to carry out development work. These areas lack basic facilities including electricity, water, drain, sanitation, etc. The MLA has urged the railway administration to work keeping in mind the humanitarian approach so that basic facilities can be provided to the people of this area.
The MLA has also held discussions in the interest of railway porters, auto drivers, passenger convenience, systematic vehicle parking, proper stoppage of trains, city bus service, night shelter construction, monthly season ticket (SMT) in the meeting.
Railway General Manager Alok Kumar, MP Arun Sao, Santosh Pandey, Additional General Manager Vijay Pratap Singh, P K Sardar Principal Chief Medical Director, L Dileshwar Rao Principal Chief Material Manager, R N Sunkar Chief Administrative Officer Construction, Arun Kumar Jain Principal Chief Security Officer, Amitabh Nigam Principal Chief Electrical Engineer, Virendra Mundeya Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer, Ajay Singh Senior Deputy General Manager, Ram Bahadur Rai Principal Chief Engineer, MurlidharMadhur Principal Financial Advisor, Chhatrasai Singh Principal Chief Operating Manager, Tarun PrakashPrincipal Chief Signal and Telecom, A N Sinha, Engineer IG cum Principal Chief Security Commissioner, Ajay Shankar Jha, Principal Chief Commercial Manager, and R K Agrawal Principal Chief Personnel were present in the meeting.