Court proceedings through video conferencing from Jan 11

Bilaspur:Judicial proceedings in High Court of Chhattisgarh and Subordinate Courts across the state will be held on online mode from January 11 to January 31 in the wake of increase in number of Covid-19 cases.
The High Court Registrar General Sanjay Kumar Agrawal has issued guidelines for the functioning of court through videoconferencing.
The guidelines will be subject to further modification depending on the situation in the coming days.
The Judges of the High Court may hold the Court proceedings either from residence or in the Court Hall or Chamber. Fresh filing will continue through the filing counters.
To avoid over-crowding, advocates have been asked to enter High Court premises only if they have to file case or their case are listed in any of the Courts. All the officers in the rank of Section Officer and above and its equivalent officers should be present in the office daily on working days.
The remaining staff below Section Officer posted in the section, only 2/3rd should be present in the office on working days on rotation basis and the presence of staff is to be ensured by the Section In-charge while ensuring social distancing and implementation of other covid appropriate behaviour.
No officer and employee will be permitted to leave headquarter without prior permission. Violation of same will invite disciplinary action.
In Subordinate Courts, filing of fresh cases will continue. Remand matters, bail matters, Supardnamamatters, appeal and revision (Both Civil & Criminal), matters relating to payment of amount deposited in respect of Motor Accident Claim Cases, matters under Section 125 / 127 of the Cr.P.C., matters directed to be disposed of within time limit by the Supreme Court or the High Court (Both Civil & Criminal), Commercial Court, Industrial Court, Labour Court will take up cases as usual other than the cases where evidence is to be recorded and other urgent nature of Civil & Criminal matters, which are found to be heard on urgent basis by the Court will be taken up for consideration. The number of cases to be taken up by each Court will be so decided, which would ensure less congestion in the Court rooms while maintaining social and individual distancing. The District & Sessions Judges or Judges concerned have been authorized to make any suitable changes according to the prevailing situation of any court in their jurisdiction for smooth functioning of courts and also for management for preventing the spread of Corona Virus in the matter of entry and sitting of the advocates, litigants etc. in court premises.