Raipur: Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Thursday inaugurated the Institute of Driving and Traffic Research Chhattisgarh constructed at a cost of Rs 17 crore in Tendua village of Atal Nagar, Nava Raipur. Equipped with all modern facilities of training, this institute has been built on a huge land area of 20 acres in village Tendua.Addressing the inaugural function, chief minister Bhupesh Baghel said that the Institute of Driving and Traffic Research will play an important role in teaching safe driving skills. For safe transportation, it is necessary that we ourselves drive the vehicle following the traffic rules, along with this, it is also necessary that the person in front should also drive the vehicle correctly. Today Chhattisgarh has about 66 lakh vehicles including buses, cars, motorcycles, trucks, and school buses, so the training for safe driving of vehicles becomes even more important.On this occasion, the chief minister announced 50 per cent concession in training fee to women and third gender candidates getting training in IDTR and free of cost training to disabled candidates. He also announced to include the construction work of Cheria-Paonta road of Nava Raipur in the next main budget of the state government on the request of MLA Dhanendra Sahu.Chief minister said that in this institute, which started today in Nava Raipur, training would be given to trainees by means of state-of-the-art equipment through experts, in which they should be trained in driving, parking, backing, descending and turning. They will also be made aware of the working of the machines installed in the vehicles. He said that it is important not to drive the vehicle at high speed, but it is important that we have control over our vehicle. He said that employment opportunities would increase for the candidates getting training here. Presiding over the programme, transport minister Mohammad Akbar said that the candidates getting training in this training institute would be supported in providing employment. Those who get training here will be given priority in recruitment to the post of driver in the government department. Licenses will be given to those who complete the training. In relation to the "Tuhar Sarkar-Tunhar Dwar" scheme of the Transport Department, he told that in this scheme, driving licenses were given to 4 lakh 65 thousand 918 people at their homes. He said that the State Government for the first time understood the problems of the transporters and took decisions generously to solve them, which brought them relief.