
Bilapur city MLA Shailesh Pandey takes up issues in interest of public with Railway GM Alok Kumar

Bilapur city MLA Shailesh Pandey takes up issues in interest of public with Railway GM Alok Kumar


Bilaspur:Uslapur railway station will be developed and expanded.

Another round of meeting will be held on January 17. 

Bilaspur city MLA Shailesh Pandey held a meeting with the General Manager Alok Kumar of the Railway here on Friday to discuss various issues, including development and expansion of Uslapur railway station, related to public interest. 

Discussion was held to develop and expand Uslapur railway station. The railway officials said in the meeting that permission has been given to build a foot over bridge (FOB) at Uslapurrailway station. MLA Pandey, who is also a state government nominated member of Zonal Railway Users’ Consultative Committee (ZRUCC), demanded for installation of escalator and lifts for civic convenience of the passengers. It was also suggested in the meeting to make two entrance gates at Uslapurrailway station for smooth movement of passengers. Senior Congress leader Pankaj Singh was also present in the meeting.

MLA Pandey said that in the past discussion was held with District Collector Saransh Mittar and Municipal Commissioner Ajay Tripathi regarding railway related issues and passenger amenitiesMeanwhile, another round of meeting with the Railway GM will be held on January 17.




Problem of water logging in Vyapar Vihar area was alsodiscussed. Traders’ demand to construct a drain was taken up with the Railway GM by the MLA in the meeting, so that the problem can be solved.

Discussion on the development of the railway station located at Kargi Road Kota was also held in the meetingKargi Road railway station can be developed as the most beautiful railway station in Bilaspur district from tourism point of view, MLA Pandey said in the meetingThe railway station is adjacent to AchanakmarAmarkantak which have tourism importance. There is an age-old demand of the people of Kota that this station should be developed so that the trains stop and the local people get benefits in terms of employment.

Even as an overbridge has been constructed by the state government to reduce traffic load on Bilaspur-Raipur road but to reduce the traffic pressure further, a demand has also been made from the Railways to build an under bridge in the Tifra area. Approval has been given for the construction of an under bridge near Ameri railway gate in Ghuru Ameri alternate route and soon work will be started in this direction, said MLA  Pandey.



Traders’s another demand to upgrade Budhwari Bazar of Railway Zone was raised by the MLA.

Both the MLA and the Railway GM was of the view that all the issues discussed in the meeting were related to public interest and fund should not be an issue to fulfill these demands. All these issues will be discussed again on January 17 meeting, said MLA Pandey.

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