97.66 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been lifted so far for custom milling, 35.85 lakh metric tonnes of rice deposited in the central pool

Raipur: Paddy lifting
for custom milling is being done at a rapid pace across the state. According to
the information received till April 11, over 97.66 lakh metric tonnes of paddy
has been lifted in the state so far. Meanwhile, the state government is also
working expeditiously to deposit rice in the central pool. Over 35.85 lakh metric tonnes of quality rice
has been deposited in the central pool so far. This includes 18.97 lakh metric
tonnes of rice deposited in the Food Corporation of India and 16.88 lakh metric
tonnes in the Civil Supplies Corporation.
Food Secretary Topeshwar
Verma informed that on the initiative of the chief minister, the work of paddy
lifting for custom milling is being done at a rapid pace this year, just like
the work of paddy procurement. A record 97.66 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has
been lifted through DO and TO so far. Verma informed that DO of 75 lakh 07
thousand metric tonnes of paddy has been issued. The millers have lifted 74
lakh 76 thousand metric tonnes of paddy from the procurement centers.
Similarly, T.O. has been issued for the transportation of 23 lakh 09 thousand
metric tonnes of paddy. Against which 22 lakh 91 thousand metric tonnes of
paddy has been lifted from the committees. This year a target has been set to
deposit 61.65 lakh metric tonnes of Arva rice in pool.
Meanwhile, in the
Kharif marketing year 2021-22, about 98 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been
purchased on support price from 21 lakh 77 thousand registered farmers. Nearly
Rs 20 thousand crore has been paid to the farmers under the bank linking system
in lieu of paddy purchase. In comparison to last year, this year 1 lakh 24
thousand i.e. 6 per cent more farmers of the state sold their paddy on support
price. This is the result of farmer-friendly policies and decisions of the
state government.