1000 Avengers give voluntary services to Covidpatients:Parvinder Singh

Raipur:At a time when cases of corona multiplying with every passing day posing threat and new challenges for all, some youths have dared to accept this challenge and work hand-in-hand with the local administration to win the battle against this pandemic. Youths of different NGOs, who had been working separately for the noble cause, have joined hands to form a team called ‘Raipur Covid Avengers’ to help people in need.
As many as 1000 youths between age group of 18 and 40, including doctors, engineers, businessmen, social activists and educationists, are active members of this group. According to one of the members, HarmindarSingh, they are trying to extend every possible help – from mask to medicine to ambulance, food – to the patients. According to another member Rahul Katiyar, they are doing better than earlier after coming together. According to Smart City General Manager (communication) Ashish Mishra, these volunteers are doing commendable work.
The Avengers are holding regular meeting among them as well as with the officials of the administration and working in the field while complying with Covidappropriate behaviours. The members of the group give money from their pockets to arrange essential goods for the patients.
According to information, Sameer and Nitin Singh take care of Corona test and vaccination information, Amarjeet Chhabra and Sameer take care of Oxygen arrangement, Sourabh Tipnis and Parvinder Singh look after food supply, Vayudev and Raju take care of bloddhelpline, last rites of patients dying in the pandemic is being taken care of by Harman Saini and Jassi Bhattar, Harminder and Ritik Monwani take care of Home isolation part, Ravindra Khatri and Jeetu Chawla take care of ambulance, Rahul Kashtgir and ParvinderSingh take care of medicine and surgical part and Dr Syed Farzana and Shubham Balwani used to provide counselling.