Chhattisgarh Public Relations Department Officers Union express their opposition to the postings.

Dispatch News.
Raipur. The Public Relations Officers Association has given a memorandum to the Chief Secretary, Government of Chhattisgarh on 06.10.2021 today, expressing its objection against the postings made against the rules on the posts of directors in the Directorate of Public Relations and deputations in Chhattisgarh Samvad.
The Union to the Chief Secretary, Government of Chhattisgarh, in a memorandum, said that all the public relations officers of the state are disappointed, annoyed and humiliated by the posting of a junior officer of the State Administrative Service on the post of Director on 05.10.2021 in the Directorate of Public Relations. The public relations officers of all the districts, who work to implement and publicize the state government’s schemes, policies, programs and achievements, are disappointed and discouraged today.
The organization has said in the memorandum that about 20 senior officers including, the Additional Director and Joint Director Cadre, posted in Public Relations Department, Chhattisgarh, belong to the time of undivided Madhya Pradesh, who have been selected from Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission during the year 1990 to 1996. In such a situation, to appoint a junior officer of the State Administrative Service cadre as a director, ignoring the seniority and experience of the department officers, is very disappointing. The work of public relations is different from other departments. Working under a junior will cause practical difficulties in performing the work and reduce the enthusiasm of the departmental officers.
The organization has said in the memorandum that the Public Relations Officers Association has written a letter to Mr Commissioner-cum-Director, Public Relations Department on 25.08.21, drawing attention to the anti-rule postings in the department and its associate organization Chhattisgarh Samvad. Copies of this letter were also sent to Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, Secretary Public Relations Department and Chief Executive Officer Chhattisgarh Samvad. Taking cognizance of this letter, the Secretariat of the Hon’ble Chief Minister had directed the Secretary, Public Relations Department, Government of Chhattisgarh to take necessary action. But in the meantime, again on the post of Director, which is a senior post under the Indian Administrative Service cadre, an officer of the State Administrative Service got an appointment in it. The officer in this post, his counterpart and many officers senior to him are in the Public Relations Department. It would have been appropriate to post a director from amongst the senior officers of the Public Relations Department.
The Public Relations Officers Association has demanded that- 1. On the post of Director Public Relations, a senior officer of the department should be the Director Public Relations. 2. According to the decision of the Council of Ministers, only the officers of the Public Relations Department should be posted in place of the officers of the State Administrative Service and other cadres on the deputation posts of the officers of the Public Relations Department in Chhattisgarh Samvad.
The organization has said that if the above demands are not considered sympathetically, the Public Relations Officers Association will hold public demonstrations across the state. On 11.10.2021, they will organize a protest in the Directorate and District Public Relations Offices.