
T.S. Singhdeo, Minister of Health, conducts an audit of the health department’s operations.

Dispatch News.
Health and Family Welfare Minister T.S. Singhdeo reviewed the departmental work in a meeting with senior officers and Chief Medical and Health Officers. They discussed the action plan of the Health and Family Welfare Department and the National Health Mission. They also discussed the problems at the field level in providing health facilities to the people and their solutions. During this, the health minister gave instructions to strengthen the reporting of deliveries in non-government hospitals and remove the problems in data entry as soon as possible.
Secretary of Health Department Siddharth Komal Pardeshi, Commissioner Dr C.R. Prasanna, Director of Health Services Jaiprakash Maurya, Director of National Health Mission Bhoskar Vilas Sandipan, Managing Director of CGMSC Chandrakant Verma, and Director of Epidemic Control Subhash Mishra also attended the meeting. Chief Medical and Health Officers of all districts, civil surgeons, divisional joint directors, departmental deputy directors, district programme managers, and district programme officers were also present in the meeting.

In the meeting, Health Minister emphasised effective control over infant and maternal mortality. Along with this, he gave instructions to improve the reporting of maternal health. He also stressed the need to strengthen the information system to deal with infection. T. S Singhdeo asked the attendees to coordinate with Mitanins, Anganwadi workers, and the Women and Child Development Department for better results in nutritional rehabilitation centres. He asked all departmental officers and doctors to work with sensitivity.
Secretary of the Health Department, Siddharth Komal Pardeshi, discussed with the officers in the meeting and learned about the problems in health services. He inquired about the availability of medical equipment and medicines in the hospitals. Various departmental schemes and programmes were reviewed in the meeting, including maternal and child health, non-communicable diseases, the PCPNDT Act, blood banks, sickle cell management, and the Mukhyamantri Haat Bazar Clinic scheme.


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