
FIR Filed Against Rahul Gandhi in Chhattisgarh Over US Remarks; BJP Slams ‘Disrespectful’ Comments on Sikh Symbols

In a significant development, an FIR has been registered against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in Raipur and Surguja, accusing him of hurting the sentiments of the Sikh community with his remarks made during his US visit. The BJP, intensifying its offensive, condemned Gandhi’s comments on Sikh religious symbols—the turban and kara—as “disrespectful” and “divisive.”

BJP spokesperson Sanjay Srivastava criticized Gandhi for what he called an “inappropriate” comment on Sikhism, asserting that the Congress leader’s language was inflaming divisions based on caste, religion, and region. He stated, “The turban and kara are sacred symbols of Sikhism, and any comment on them is an insult to the faith. Such remarks are not only disrespectful but also fuel discord.”

On Thursday, BJP leaders mobilized across all five divisions of the state, staging protests at police stations demanding action against Gandhi. While FIRs were officially lodged in Raipur and Surguja, BJP leaders, accompanied by Sikh community members, led protests calling for swift action against the Congress leader.

Srivastava also expressed outrage over Gandhi’s interactions with foreign representatives during his overseas visit, accusing him of aligning with powers “aiming to destabilize India politically, economically, and socially.”

Controversial Remarks in the US
During his US tour, Rahul Gandhi sparked controversy by raising concerns about the treatment of Sikhs in India. He remarked, “There is concern within the Sikh community about whether they will be allowed to wear their turban and kara. Will they be able to go to their gurdwaras? This concern extends beyond Sikhs—it affects all religious communities.”

Gandhi further accused the BJP of undermining India’s pluralism, stating, “This country belongs to everyone, but the BJP does not believe that. India is a union, a federation of states with diverse histories, traditions, music, and dances. BJP, however, rejects this idea and treats the union as separate entities.”

Taking aim at the RSS, Gandhi said, “RSS does not understand India. They see some states, languages, and communities as inferior. Tamil, Marathi, Bengali, Manipuri—these are not lesser languages, but the RSS ideology pits them as such.”

Debate on Reservations
Addressing the sensitive issue of reservations, Gandhi argued that now is not the time to consider their removal. “The Congress will think about ending reservations when the time is right. Right now, the statistics speak for themselves—tribals receive 10 paise out of every 100 rupees, Dalits 5 rupees, and OBCs a similar share.”

He also highlighted the economic disparities, pointing out that “among India’s top 200 business leaders, only one is an OBC, despite the community making up 50% of the population.”

‘Fair Elections Would Have Weakened BJP’s Hold’
Rahul Gandhi closed his remarks by alleging that the BJP’s electoral success was a result of compromised institutions. “Before the elections, we kept warning that institutions like the education system, media, and investigative agencies were under RSS control. If the Constitution is dismantled, the entire democratic game is over. It’s now a battle between those defending the Constitution and those attempting to destroy it,” he said.

Gandhi asserted that had the elections been fair, “the BJP would not have secured anywhere close to 246 seats.”

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