
Court sentences son to death in Rawalmal Jain murder case

Raipur: The Durg Court on Monday awarded death sentence to Sandeep Jain in the famous Rawalmal Jain murder case. On hearing the sentence, Sandeep fell unconscious. Two other accused, Shailendra Singh Sagar and Bhagat Singh Gurudatta, who were also involved in the murder have been sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment.

On January 1, 2018, the chief trustee of the well-known Parshva Tirtha temple and his wife Surje Bai were shot dead at Nagpura in Durg. The police had found in the investigation that his son was the murder.

Apart from Rawalmal and Surje Bai, only Sandeep Jain was there at the time of the whole incident. Sandeep was found by the police sleeping in the bedroom. He told the police that he did not know anything. In strict interrogation, Sandeep confessed to the crime. Within 12 hours of the murder, the police arrested the 42-year-old son of the deceased couple, Sandeep Jain, and sent him to judicial custody.

According to police, Sandeep tried to kill his father twice after purchasing the pistol. He made both the attempts in front of the watchman living in the house. Uttam had also expressed doubts about this in his statement to the police. Sandeep did not sleep the whole night to execute the incident. Sandeep had tried to execute the incident at 4.00 pm on that day but failed. After that, he again carried out the incident by hiding beside the wall.

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