
Chief Minister Sai assures fulfillment of legitimate demands of Naxals on condition of non-violence

In a recent development, Chief Minister Vishnudeo Sai affirmed on Friday that the government is willing to meet the legitimate demands of Naxals if they renounce violence. The statement came during his visit to Dantewada, where he interacted with a former Naxalite now serving as a police commando.
These courageous female commandos engage in direct confrontations with Naxals, operating day and night in the jungles amidst challenging circumstances. Upon the Chief Minister’s arrival in Dantewada, he was welcomed by women guards as he disembarked from the helicopter. Subsequently, he posed for a photo with the group of female commandos standing alongside the anti-mine vehicle.
Additionally, the Chief Minister paid a visit to the Maa Danteshwari temple and participated in a felicitation ceremony at the auditorium in Dantewada city. One of the former Naxalites, Sumitra, shared her experiences, stating, “I was part of all Naxal activities from 2004 to 2018. The plight of women in the jungle with Naxals is dire. There are shortages of food, clothing, and shelter, forcing us to wander hungry and thirsty in the jungles. I couldn’t even see my family.”
The Chief Minister responded to Sumitra’s account by expressing willingness to address the Naxals’ concerns through dialogue. He emphasized the government’s commitment to fulfilling legitimate demands. “We will listen to the Naxals. We salute your courage,” he remarked.
Further, the Chief Minister engaged with Sunaina Patel, a Chhattisgarh Police commando who continued patrolling the jungles even while seven months pregnant. Commending her dedication, the Chief Minister announced her promotion.
During his visit, the Chief Minister also met Rajkumari Yadav, who chose to surrender and become a police commando to escape early marriage. Commending her bravery, the Chief Minister encouraged her to continue contributing to the security of the region and society.
The Chief Minister’s assurances come amidst efforts to foster dialogue and address grievances, promoting peace and development in the region.

Manish Tiwari

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