
8 tips for strong and beautiful Hair this Monsoon.

Dispatch News.

As the rains begin, so does frizzy texture, hair fall and hair damage. Monsoon brings alive the greens, but it is also known to cause hair damage with its excessive humidity. Hair expert Sanjeev from one of the most popular salon of raipur “ Orchid “ spoke about his experience and said follow these tips to keep your hair healthy.

  • Keep your hair dry

While you may have the urge to get your hair wet in a drizzle, remember that rainwater is acidic and bad for your hair. So unless, you get caught in a torrential downpour, keep your hair dry.

  • Shampoo Twice a week

Experts recommend a mild yet deep cleansing shampoo twice a week to remove any residue on your scalp. It is easy to get frizzy, undernourished hair during monsoon. Using a good shampoo goes a long way in nourishing your tresses and preventing problems.

  • Head Massage

Nothing’s as good for your hair during the monsoon as a good old hair oil massage. It naturally boosts the moisture in your hair which revitalizes dry strands. What’s more, it offers deep conditioning too. Remember not to use too much because over-shampooing will damage your hair.

  • Avoid tying

By tying up your hair in the monsoon, you’re inviting rainwater to hibernate in your hair, which will make them frizzier and limper. If you must tie your hair, go for loose ponytails or buns only.

  • Choose the right comb

During the rainy season, a wide-tooth comb is your best bet. Not only does it help in detangling your tresses, but it also serves as a good conditioning comb. Make sure you change your comb to find the right one for your hair.

  • Condition your hair right

Although many people already use a conditioner, using it correctly can make all the difference. The right way to condition your hair is to avoid using too much conditioner and apply it only to the ends and lengths of your hair. Use a wide-tooth comb to give the conditioner a good spread, and follow it up with a cold water rinse for best results.

  • Eat Right

To strengthen your hair follicles, you must eat foods that are rich in protein, iron and omega-3 fatty acids like walnuts, spinach and curd. Make sure you eat right to keep your hair looking awesome during monsoon.

  • Go Short

If you’ve ever wanted to cut your hair short but couldn’t muster up the courage, this is the best time. By cutting your hair short, you’re reducing the hassle of maintaining it. Visit your nearest salon for a stunning short-hair makeover.

These simple tips should make hair care in the rainy season a total breeze for you. You can get more such tips at the Orchid Salon.


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