Pankhajur EE suspended by CSPDCL for disrupting power supply to 62 villages

Raipur:Taking the incident of shutdown of electricity supply in 62 villages of Pankhajur seriously, Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution Company Limited (CSPDCL) suspended the Executive Engineer of Pakhanjur, R K Chauhan with immediate effect.
It is worth noting that on the instructions of the Executive Engineer, the power lines of 62 villages of Pankhajurdivision were disrupted. Under the circular of the erstwhile Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board in the year 2000 on the basis of less than 50 percent revenue collection in the village, connection was disrupted.
It is noteworthy that since the formation of Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission, the supply code is the basis. After the arrival of the said supply code, the earlier circulars/rules have automatically lapsed. As the action taken by the Executive Engineer is not found legal by the department, he was suspended with immediate effect and his headquarter has been fixed as Executive Director Jagdalpur during his suspension period.