Congress aims to educate Children on Freedom Struggle and more.

Dispatch News.
Raipur. The Jawahar Bal unit of Congress will soon be functional in Chhattisgarh. Children between the age of 7 to 18 years can be its members. State Congress President Mohan Markam and Jawahar Bal Manch National President G. V. Hari gave this information today.
In a joint press conference at Rajiv Bhavan today, Mohan Markam and G. V. Hari said that through Jawahar Bal Manch, the Congress party will build the character of the children of the state by providing them with comprehensive information about history and culture. The purpose of the organization is to give complete information to the children about the freedom struggle and the era of the country’s new construction in the aftermath of the struggle. He said that, to save the coming generation from the ill-effects of the disintegrating ideology of BJP, it is necessary to inculcate the values of Ganga Jamuni Tehzeeb of the country in children. Their all-round development will happen only when they get the right knowledge of history. Jawahar Bal Manch will play an important role in building the future of children and making the country educated leaders.
Mohan Markam said that the aim of Jawahar Bal Manch is to educate children so that they can discharge their duties and responsibilities towards the country. Kulisha Mishra is taking this work forward in Chhattisgarh. Mohan Markam said that it is important for the children to know that two types of ideologies are working in the country. We will make the children aware of the ideology that connects them.