CM Baghel shares his portrait made by poor girl Rani Nishad on social media

Raipur:A portrait of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, shared on twitter and facebook pages by the Chief Minister himself , has drawn the attention of one and all. The significance of this portrait is that it is made of rice, paddy grains, pulses and seeds. The portrait has been made by the poor girl Rani Nishad, a resident of Rajim. The girl has been honoured by the chairman of KabirVikas Sanchar Adhyayan Kendra, Kunal Shukla.
Rani is a girl from a very poor family but her wish to do something different earned her honour and and blessings of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel who greatly appreciated the girl’s work..
Meanwhile, Shukla visited Rani Nishad’s residence in Rajim and honored her with Shriphal, shawl, memento and prize. Shuklaalso gave her a cash award as an encouragement.