
Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel urges PM Modi for comprehensive ban on illegal online betting platforms

Raipur Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Saturday has called for stringent measures against illegal online betting operations. Baghel has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasizing the critical need for a complete prohibition on platforms associated with unlawful online betting activities. This plea arrives amidst mounting concerns and controversies surrounding the Mahadev Book app, an online betting platform, within the state’s political landscape. Highlighting the gravity of the situation, Baghel underscored that more than 450 individuals involved in these illicit activities have been apprehended within Chhattisgarh. A staggering 16 crore rupees frozen in bank accounts, the seizure of numerous laptops and mobile devices, and the issuance of lookout circulars against key orchestrators signal the state’s proactive stance in combating this issue. Baghel’s missive detailed the escalating criminal cases, surpassing 90 since March 2022, indicating the escalating magnitude of the problem.

Moreover, the Chhattisgarh Police’s directive to suspend 80 online gaming platforms and the subsequent ban of 22 illegal betting apps and websites by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology underscore the necessity for immediate and comprehensive action. The CM’s letter specifically emphasized the urgent requirement to identify and ban international and domestic mobile numbers, email IDs, Telegram, WhatsApp, URLs, links, APKs, and Instagram accounts involved in these illegal operations. Baghel stressed that these individuals have adopted sophisticated technologies and platforms to expand their criminal activities internationally. Further, investigations have brought to light the intricate operating system of these unlawful businesses. Baghel has urged for decisive measures at all levels to curb their operations effectively. This plea resonates as a call to arms against the growing peril of illegal online betting, urging the central government to take resolute action to shield millions from the clutches of this illegal trade. Baghel’s comprehensive letter serves as a stark portrayal of the urgency and necessity for stringent measures to address and suppress this menacing issue.

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