
All the Collectors and SPs should take every possible measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection: CM Bhupesh Baghel

All the Collectors and SPs should take every possible measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection: CM Bhupesh Baghel

Raipur: In view of the
rising number of COVID-19 cases in Chhattisgarh, chief minister Bhupesh Baghel
has directed all the Collectors and Superintendents of Police to take every
possible measure to strictly implement the COVID-19 prevention guideline.

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“Our main
objective is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection and to limit the risk
related to the same, not to slow down the economic activities”, Baghel

As per the guidelines
issues in the context, collectors and superintendents of police have been
directed to impose night clamp down from 10 pm to 6 am and to strictly prohibit
the non-commercial activities in the districts with the positivity rate of 4
per cent or more. Likewise, in such districts, actions should be taken as per
the provisions of Section 144 and Epidemic Act and all the schools,

Anganwadi centers, libraries, swimming pools and similar public places should
be closed.  In the districts where
positivity rate has been consistently below 4 per cent in last 7 days,
Collectors can implement the provisions of other district. Instructions have
been given to ban all kinds of processions, rallies, public gatherings, social,
cultural, religious and sports events in all the districts. Where necessary,
action should be taken under the provisions of Section 144 and Epidemic Act.

All the District
Collectors and Superintendents of Police have been directed to organize
meetings with private doctors, private hospitals, NGOs, media representatives
to discuss the control and prevention of COVID-19 infection in the state.
Measures being taken to control and prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection
should be ensured publicized through in local media and the fake negative news
should be strictly prohibited. Meeting with Collectors and Superintendents of
Police, Chamber of Commerce representatives, Mall owners, Wholesalers, Gym
Owners, Cinema and Theater owners, Hotel-Restaurant owners, Swimming Pools,
Auditoriums, Marriage Palaces, Event Management Groups should be held to ensure
that these places are being run only on one-third of the capacity. In the
districts with the COVID positivity rate more than 4 per cent, the
aforementioned places should be closed and their activities should be banned.

Collectors and
Superintendents of Police have also been directed to ensure that RTPCR test is
made mandatory at all airports in the state. People who have taken both the
doses of COVID-19 vaccines will have to submit RTPCR negative report within 72
hours from the date of travel. Besides, the RTPCR test of all the passengers
coming to the airport should be done compulsorily. Instructions have been given
to randomly conduct COVID test in all the railway stations and border areas of
the state.

Chief minister has also
directed the district administration to create micro or mini containment zones
and to conduct tracing and tracking, where necessary, to prevent COVID-19
infection. Call centers should be operated 24×7 for the COVID patients in home
isolation. The status of infection should be monitored through Mitanin in rural
areas. He has also directed the district administration to report the
availability of hospital beds, stock of medicines, PSA plants and oxygen every
day. He has also directed the district administration to ensure that the real-time
information about the availability of beds in all government and private
hospitals is made available online, as it was done during the last two waves of
Corona. Chief Minister encouraged NGOs and private organizations to cooperate
and donate necessary goods for COVID control measures.

Chief minister has
directed the district administration to strictly implement the use of masks in
public places, crowded markets and shops. People found not wearing masks
properly should be penalized through police and municipal staff. Chief Minister
has asked the government officials, employees not to travel by air or rail
unless absolutely necessary, to organize meetings through video conferencing.

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